weather radio

[html] My name Is Kent, VE4KEH, and I’ve recently accepted an assignment maintaining the Environment Canada Weather Radio (and ATAD) network in the Prairies.  I would like to ask the ARES ECs in Alberta and Saskatchewan if they would canvass their CANWARN members to act as rosources to assist in monitoring the network. Would you please forward this request to them, and ask that they contact me?  Either my work or RAC address is fine. Kent Haase
Dissemination | Diffusion
Meteorological Service Of Canada | Service météorologique du Canada

Environment Canada | Environnement Canada
123 Main St, Suite 150 | 123, Rue Main, bureau 150
Winnipeg, MB  R3C 4W2
Telephone | Téléphone 204-983-4389
Cell | Cellulaire 204-791-3475
Facsimile | Télécopieur 204-983-4884
Submitted by VE6CIA [/html]


[html] Hello all…Michael and I have the web site running again(THANKS TO MICHAEL VE6ATO!!) We have added more security so please try all the areas and send me a note of any problems you encounter.

Hopefully It is stable until we get a new one up and running.
73 Bob and Michael


Amateur Radio Nets


I have had a few requests for listings of nets.

Here is a great listing of the Canadian Amateur Radio Nets.

See you on the nets!


Moon Bounce from 1000 ft dish!!

[html] I wasn’t sure if you knew about this, but thought I’d send you the link incase you hadn’t.
Enjoy……73s……..Jack Spink [/html]

ARES Crests and Decals

[html] Mike VE6MIM has obtained a number of ARES Decals and Crests. If you would like to purchase some please call Mike to arrange.
Submitted by VE6BLD [/html]


[html] It is with sadness that I need to announce VE6UC Don Osterland from Red Deer, became a silent key Sunday October 4th, 2009.  Don suffered an acute stroke on September 15th.  A Memorial  gathering was held at 2:30 PM on Friday October 9th at the Usona Curling Rink.Â
On behalf of all the local hams we extend our sympathies to Norma and her family.
