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New CAARC Executive and winner of the new handheld.
Nov 21st
The November AGM was held on Wed Nov 15 with a great turnout. The draw for the new handheld radio donated by Mike VE6MIM was won by Tadd who is working on getting his license, CONGRATULATIONS. We hope to hear you on the repeater soon.
New CAARC President Don VE6HQ
MikeVE6MIM presenting new Handheld to Tadd.
New 2023-2024 executive
Flight tracking
Jun 7th
ADSB Aircraft Tracking
Have you ever wondered about that aircraft flying over your head? Perhaps you are already aware that
most aircraft are required to transmit location data. Anyone can easily receive that publicly available
broadcast data. Maybe you already receive that data and are feeding it to one or more of the flight
trackers. This article will help explain the fascinating hobby of aircraft tracking and will help you set up a
receiving system or tell you why it is desirable to send the data to other flight trackers.
Most aircraft worldwide are required to transmit data using a system known as ADS-B meaning More >
Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications
Feb 26th
Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications (Click this link to enter)
The Digital Library of Amateur Radio and Communications is a library of materials and collections related to amateur radio and early communications. The DLARC is funded by a significant grant from Amateur Radio Digital Communications, a private foundation, to create a digital library that documents, preserves, and provides open access to the history of this community.
This free resource combines archived digitized print materials, born-digital content, websites, oral histories, personal collections, and other related records and publications. The goals of the DLARC are both to document the history of amateur radio and to provide freely available educational resources for researchers, students, and the general public.
To contribute content for this project, email kay@archive.org

CAARC Christmas pot luck dinner
Dec 5th
There was a good turn out for the Christmas dinner on Dec 4. Everyone enjoyed the great food and visiting. Thanks to all those who organized and prepared the food. Congratulations to Tiny VE6TIP for winning the Gizmo! We look forward to see what he adds for next year! Thanks to our new President Don VA6DFR for the pictures and video.
Marvin VE6CJY presenting the gizmo to Tiny VE6TIP

Have you paid your dues and confirmed your RAC membership to the executive?
Nov 15th
Club memberships are due in November. Please submit your dues as shown below.
Club memberships are $25.00 each or $30.00 for a family and are due now. You must be a paid-up member to be eligible to vote at the Annual General meeting in November. Cheques may be mailed to Central Alberta Amateur Radio Club, Box 1103, Red Deer, AB, T4N 6S5. If you prefer, Garry VE6CIA has also agreed to accept e-transfers for club memberships at ve6cia at gmail dot com. This is what we did for the club raffle earlier this year.
Club insurance is due. Please also confirm your RAC membership by email ( ve6cia at gmail dot com ) so we can get the best rate for the club.
can also download the CAARC membership and renewal form under the “Site tools” tab and send your dues by snail mail to the listed address on the bottom of the form or bring it to the meeting. Your support helps keep your repeaters operating and your club active.
Thank you from your executive
73 CAARC Executive

Field Day Pictures 2021
Jul 5th
Thanks to everyone who submitted these pictures. Be sure to check all four pages at the bottom of the first page for all the pictures.
These are the field day results as submitted to ARRL (Thanks VA6SGL ) Great job everyone!
VE6BLD’s first try on an Electric Unicycle! TOO MUCH FUN!
Apr 27th
A few weeks ago I was at my son’s place in Okotoks and he helped me try his new Electric Unicycle. It was a very cold and windy day but after 3 tries I managed to go a few hundred feet! What a blast!
Click these links for my 3 best tries…
Dad’s 2nd Good Ride on Michael’s EUC This would be easier on a flat lawn with no wind!!
I may have to get one of these..
RAC Canada Day Contest
Feb 3rd