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RCA Tube Handbook HB-3 Vol 9-10 (1950’s) from 2E24 to 8025A, Bulletin P Variac Autotransformers, Spring 1969 The Callbook DX Listings Foreign Radio Amateur Callbook Vol 47 # 1, , 1978 The Callbook DX Listings Foreign Radio Amateur Callbook Vol 56 # 1, 1977 The Callbook United States Listings Radio Amateur Callbook Vol 54 # 4, Johnson Electric Supply Catalogue 1965 (North Bay, ON electronics supply), NAVSHIPS 91828(A) Handbook of Test Methods and Practices (1955), Handbook for Wireless Operators Rg. 67 (London, Her Majesty’s Stationery Office 1954), several issues of GE Electronic Tube Ham News (1948 & 1950), Motorola Semiconductor Circuits Manual (1964). This is all stuff leftover from my father's so I'll leave it up on here for about 6 months before recycling it. Eric VE6HFF

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Hi, are these still available?  

Joined: 9 years ago
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Hi Dan, sorry to be so late replying, yes these are still available, soon to be recycled if no one wants them...



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