Contact Details

Contact Details:

Postal Address:
CAARC (Central Alberta Amateur Radio Club)

P.O. Box 1103
Red Deer, Alberta, Canada
T4N 6S5

Try using the club repeaters to contact locals, the main one is VE6QE at 147.150 Mhz +600kHz

At this website:
Contact Members Directly
Please use the CAARC user chat room, private messages or the forum on this site to get in touch with specific members. The forum is best for general questions as it is searchable and visible by all members here.
Local Hams meet for coffee most Saturday mornings at 10.00 AM at the north hill Village A&W Gaetz Ave and 67th Street which is right across from the Walmart/Parkland Mall  where Sobey’s and Canadian Tire are located.

  • #1 written by VE6CPR
    about 5 months ago

    This is a link to Canadian Government FAQ’s regarding many of the above. these should have the information you folks are looking for.

  • #2 written by VE6CPR
    about 5 months ago
  • #3 written by Kurtis June
    about 5 months ago

    Hi, I live in Pennsylvania, U.S.A. My brother lives just outside of Rocky Mountain House, Alberta, Canada. I have a ham radio license, he doesn’t. i have been talking to him about getting one. Anyhow, I visited in 2018 and plan on coming back to visit sometime this summer. I hope to talk with some folks on the air when I come up.

    Kurtis June

  • #4 written by Jeff
    about 2 years ago

    Is on-site camping available at the hamfest picnic?

    Thanks, jeff ve6fio

  • #5 written by Curtis Bidulock
    about 2 years ago

    Can someone contact me regarding repeaters co-located @ Telus Heatburg & Big Valley. There are some changes coming for these 2 sites, and I need to discuss this with the club.

  • #6 written by VE6CIA
    about 3 years ago

    Canadian online course

  • #7 written by VE6BLD
    about 3 years ago

    Hello Jack thanks for your interest. You can find the info you need on this web site.
    Click LINKS tab
    1. Study courses to obtain Ham Radio License
    Online Self Paced Ham Radio License Course

  • #8 written by Jack
    about 3 years ago


    I live in Carstairs and am interested in obtaining a Ham license.

    I found an online course training website called “”, but it appears to be US based. I cannot find something similar in Canada. I don’t know if what is learned in that course is applicable in Canada and I can then just challenge the exam(s), nor can I find any online searches for classes in Alberta, etc…

    I’m sure you could point me in the correct direction, so welcome you feedback.

    Thanks in advance.


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