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History of the Central Alberta Amateur Radio Club
The Club was founded on October 7, 1955 as the Central Alberta Radio League.
In November 2003 the club became the Central Alberta Amateur Radio Club
Logos of the Central Alberta Radio League and The Central Alberta Amateur Radio Club
by Bob King VE6BLD
On Friday evening October 7th 1955 a group of sixteen hams, and a number of others gathered in the basement of the Lacombe Town office for their first meeting , to organize an Amateur Radio club.
The following hams were present:
Fred Martin ——- VE6JD Lacombe
Dick Krogman—– VE6MM Red Deer
John Rosinko ——VE6PC Red deer
Gordon Noden —- VE6GM Ponoka
Bill Nolan ————VE6BT- Red Deer
Ethel Beckman——VE6RP Lacombe
Howard Beckman- VE6ON Lacombe
Martin Matheson— VE6GE Lacombe
John Jansen——– VE6PD Red Deer
John Burkinshaw –VE6IJ Lacombe
Gordon Crayford– VE6EI Lacombe
Homer Crayford —VE6EZ Lacombe
John Javesque —-VE6OY Rimbey
Ossy Scoular—— VE6SX Bentley
Bob Damron——- VE6SC Bentley
Fred Burwell ——-VE6YM Penhold
In the discussion that followed it was the feeling of the group that officers should be elected. These officers were to hold office for a term of one year and should not be re-elected to the same office. In the elections that followed for president, vice president, secretary and treasurer, it was decided that we try to have these officers represent various districts. The districts of Bentley, Red Deer, Lacombe and Ponoka were represented. Howard Beckman VE6ON led the meeting for the first part until a president was elected. The officers elected were as follows:
President———————— Roy Hirsch of Red Deer
Vice President——————Osy Scoular VE6SX of Bentley
Secretary ————————Martin Matheson VE6GE of Lacombe
Secretary and Treasurer—–John RosinkoVE6PC of Red Deer
A discussion followed regarding a name for the club. On a motion by Scoular VE6SX seconded by Arthur the group voted in favour of accepting CARL Central Alberta Radio League. To give the new club some ready cash for postage etc. Ed Hall made a motion that each one present gives 25 cents. Seconded by Damron VE6SC $4.00 was collected.
The club met every two weeks for some time and numerous topics were discussed
At the December 9th 1955 meeting of CARL Beckman and Matheson agreed to look into the matter of the constitution, making changes as they saw fit. At the Jan. 13, 1956 meeting Ed Hall moved that membership be $5.00 per year for licensed hams including a one-year subscription to QST magazine. Non licensed members would pay $1.25 per year for membership only. It was moved by Beckman VE6ON that a net be held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7:30 PM on 3625 kc, seconded by Hall .
Annual meeting October 19, 1956
New executive elected:
President—————–G Noden———-VE6GM
Vice President ———-Dick Krogman—VE6MM
Secretary —————-J Jansen———- VE6PD
Treasurer—————–E Beckman ——VE6RP
Publicity Manager——F Martin———– VE6JD
Activities Manager——H Beckman—— VE6ON
Membership fees were moved to be set at $1.25 per year.
Meetings continued to be held every two weeks in the Lacombe Police Hall until Oct 4 1958 when they were moved to the first Friday of each month at the civil defence headquarters in Red Deer.
Annual meeting Dec 4, 1959 New executive
President—————-Dick KrogmanVE6MM
Vice President ———Ed Hall–VE6PZ
Secretary Treasurer—Tom Clark
Public Relations——–Paul Christiansen
During April 1960 club members set up antennas and equipment for a civil defence station in Red Deer. It was moved that Ed Hall was the AREC Director. Over the years the members held numerous field days . Marj and Bob Sears and Carl Holt are new names listed in the minutes of April 1960. The club was asked by VE6NF if they could arrange for a picnic in this area as there was not going to be a ham fest this year. The club agreed to have a picnic at Pine Lake on August 14, 1960.
November 4, 1960.
It was reported by Ed Hall VE6PZ that Smalley’s Radio is now located in Red Deer and that VE6AC George Sarginia would be glad to give the club a run down on Ham awards and that if they supply Smally’s with a list of club members or affiliates they will be issued an identification card and be able to supply them with parts at wholesale.
At the May 5, 1961 meeting it was moved that the field day would be held on the mountain at Caroline Ranger Station, or at Ed VE6WK’S location west of Sylvan Lake or Uncle Toms Cabin. It was decided to go to Ed VE6WK’s location and a G5RV antenna was to be used. New ham calls listed in the minutes included A J Hertz VE6AEE, Ken Jorganson VE6UI, Carl Holt VE6VG, Ken Carlysl VE6ID, Bill Baugh VE6IY, Eric Strom VE6ABE, Jack Cole VE6SD, Jess Chilton VE6OW, Harold Ramsey VE6KS, Verne House VE6DY, Tom Clark VE6ABN, Robert Walin, John Bidulock VE6AEW , Ken Oelke VE6AFO.
September 1978.
The annual general meeting and potluck supper were held at the Senior Citizens Downtown House on Ross Street. A C.W. Public Service Net is to start on October 2, 1978 on 3.680 MHZ at 0230 UTC Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. This net is at 10 wpm so will be great practice for everyone improving his or her code for the Advanced License. C.A.R.L. will be holding theory classes at the Red Deer College again this fall starting October 3 1978. Cost is $35.00 for 10 weeks. The annual CARL picnic become a very popular event and was well attended by local and province wide amateurs alike.
The 1979 executive of CARL consisted of Len VE6CGE President, Bob VE6BLD Vice President, Louis VE6BJK Treasurer, Ralph VE6BFQ Secretary, Brian VE6CKC director , Elmer VE6UK director, Pat VE6BAF director, Bert VE6BGF Public Relations. Meetings were held at the Seniors Downtown House in Red Deer.
In the spring of 1980 Len VE6CGE was transferred to Edmonton and Bob VE6BLD stepped in as President for the remainder of the year.
During the picnic of 1980 Bob VE6BLD accepted the President’s Award on behalf of the CARL club from the Amateur Radio League of Alberta for the great success of the many previous annual Red Deer Picnics .
Spring 1980.
A number of CARL senior members agree to establish the Senior Parkview Radio Club and obtain a large grant f
rom the New Horizons funding program to set up a new repeater in the area.
During the year CARL entered into an agreement with the Inspection Services Dept. of the County of Red Deer to help set up, install and maintain an All Purpose Public Service Transporter. In July 1980 the club ordered $2500.00 worth of Ham equipment from Glenwood Trading Co Ltd. and installed it in the county Disaster Bus as it became known. The bus was always used at the picnic and was taken to many areas of the county for disaster training.
Fall 1993.
VE6PZ Repeater is activated on top of Baldy mountain 5 km NW of Nordegg. The site is at 6800 ft and is using a 2104c antenna at 60 feet. The frequency is 145.210mhz. Brian VE6CKC reports the net is averaging from 23 to 37 checkins on a regular basis. The executive for the year are as follows: Pres——-VE6BJH Blair
Vice Pres-VE6QA Jim
Past Presâ€â€VE6ALD Pat
Sec———VE6SND Sandy
Tres——–VE6IHW Ivan
As the club grew and progressed with the times a two-meter repeater was built by members and installed in the Red Deer area. Over the years the system has been rebuilt and upgraded by Skip VE6BGT and other volunteers . It is now regarded as one of the most reliable and modern linked systems in Alberta. In the spring of 1978 Brian VE6CKC volunteered to operate a new 2-meter net that the club agreed to operate. After a slow start the net became very well supported after formally restarting in the fall of 1978 on Sunday October 1, at 8:30 PM local time. Brian and a number of other members including Clarence VE6BHR, Bob VE6BLD, Al VE6OX, Pat VE6ALD, Sue VE6SJD , Garry VE6SNL, Garry VE6PNQ and a few others continued to keep the net running to this day on Monday evenings at 8:30 PM local time. A local swap and shop has also been operated after the net for many years.
In 1995 CARL celebrated the 25th Anniversary of the Red Deer Picnic and a great time was had by all that attended. We obtained the special events call sign CF6RDP and many stations were worked from the picnic site using that call.
On behalf of the CARL club I thank you for this opportunity to give you a small part of the history of the Central Alberta Radio League since it’s inception in October , 1955.
73 , Bob VE6BLD