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Club Events
Calgary Flea Market Spring 2024
Feb 20th
Spring 2024 Flea Market
13 Apr 2024
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Eastside City Church, 1320 Abbeydale Drive SE, Calgary
Doors open to vendors at 8 AM; doors open to shoppers at 9 AM. “Note change”
Contact tables@caraham.org for:
- additional information
- to reserve a selling table in advance
- to volunteer to set up & take down tables, be a door greeter, and sell tickets.
At the door, we will be accepting funds for the following:
- general admission tickets for shoppers and sellers $5
- table rentals for sellers: individuals & retailers $10 / table
- tables for HAM clubs (no sales allowed) $0
- 50/50 tickets $2 ea
* note that table renters must still pay individual general admissions

New CAARC Executive and winner of the new handheld.
Nov 21st
The November AGM was held on Wed Nov 15 with a great turnout. The draw for the new handheld radio donated by Mike VE6MIM was won by Tadd who is working on getting his license, CONGRATULATIONS. We hope to hear you on the repeater soon.
New CAARC President Don VE6HQ
MikeVE6MIM presenting new Handheld to Tadd.
New 2023-2024 executive
Public Service Event
Jul 3rd
Hello all!
In a few weeks, this July, there is a unique opportunity to be involved in a brand new public service event!
The Ride of Courage is a three day cycling tour – the next evolution of the Kids Cancer Care Cycle Challenge. For those familiar with the previous event, Tour 4 Kids, this is a new approach to their cycling fundraiser.
The Ride of Courage is a three day cycling tour – the next evolution of the Kids Cancer Care Cycle Challenge. For those familiar with the previous event, Tour 4 Kids, this is a new approach to their cycling fundraiser.
As radio operators, our mandate from the event is to support road safety and to ensure communications coverage. Your expertise is invaluable in meeting this mission and ensuring the smooth flow on the course during the days of the event.
We have some secondary objectives in supporting the cyclists themselves, looking after the volunteer teams, and providing situational awareness for the Ride Manager.
We are expecting to pair the radio operator volunteers with other event volunteers – either as a rover team, or as part of a critical intersection team.
The event occurs on 14, 15, 16 (Fri, Sat, Sun) July 2023 – starting and finishing in Water Valley, AB each day, with overnight stays in Camp Kindle on Friday and Saturday nights.
We understand that being available for all three days is a significant time commitment. If you are only able to help for one or two days, we will do our best to work with your availability.
Sign up now and be part of an amazing team that will make a difference!
This event is a fundraiser
Organization: https://www.kidscancercare.ab.ca/
Event information: https://www.zeffy.com/en-CA/peer-to-peer/6e3b5571-aff8-4840-bde0-11770677c91f
If you’ve been waiting for your floor pump to make you a new best friend, this is one of the only ways that it could happen!
As of 27 June – currently needing about 7 more amateur radio volunteers.
The organisation and their volunteers are a really friendly group of people to hang out with – and it’s a handy reason to get out of Calgary for the last weekend of Stampede.
While it is based on a past event, this one is a serial number 1 event – there are some pretty ambitious routes (up to 170 km in a day, on a road bike!).
That means some higher uncertainty up front. It also means we have the chance to, and are aiming to accomplish making a strong showing for amateur radio.
No prior experience needed – let us know about yourself and your equipment.
With the ongoing planning effort, and several items still in flux, it is difficult to provide a complete brief at this time.
However, it is also important to us that our volunteers are able to make an informed decision about whether this is for you. We want you to know what you are getting into as best we can, up front.
I know there are a lot of details that aren’t here, send your questions!
We are keeping public postings about this here: https://caraham.org/Public-Service-&-Ham-Events-&-Blog
Our emails are there, and you can respond to me here if you’d like.
Dana Harding, VA6DJH
Garry Spicer, VE6GDS
Garry Spicer, VE6GDS

May 25th
Sara Picnic and AGM
When: June 17, 2023 10:00-16:00
Where: City of Red Deer McKenzie Shelter
Situated beside McKenzie Pond, this is one of the most scenic shelters.
Features: Washrooms (year round), Well water (not suitable to drink), Playground, No electricity, No canoeing in lakes, but there is a canoe launch to the river
Directions: From 55 Street Red Deer, travel north on 45 Avenue until the road ends.
52.295163, -113.791837
Featuring: No charge to attend, free SARA Dogs served at noon, bunny hunt, socializing, tail gate flea market, help your provincial linking club remain alive, attend the AGM (optional) at 13:00, rain or shine.
Talk in: VE6QE 147.150MHz or 146.520MHz simplex

CAARC Christmas pot luck dinner
Dec 5th
There was a good turn out for the Christmas dinner on Dec 4. Everyone enjoyed the great food and visiting. Thanks to all those who organized and prepared the food. Congratulations to Tiny VE6TIP for winning the Gizmo! We look forward to see what he adds for next year! Thanks to our new President Don VA6DFR for the pictures and video.
Marvin VE6CJY presenting the gizmo to Tiny VE6TIP
November election results
Nov 29th
The results of the November Annual General meeting are listed below. Congratulations to the new executive.
NEW CAARC Executive for 2022 – 2023
CAARC Executive for 2022-2023
Vice President– Greg McKinney,VA6GMC More >

Have you paid your dues and confirmed your RAC membership to the executive?
Nov 15th
Club memberships are due in November. Please submit your dues as shown below.
Club memberships are $25.00 each or $30.00 for a family and are due now. You must be a paid-up member to be eligible to vote at the Annual General meeting in November. Cheques may be mailed to Central Alberta Amateur Radio Club, Box 1103, Red Deer, AB, T4N 6S5. If you prefer, Garry VE6CIA has also agreed to accept e-transfers for club memberships at ve6cia at gmail dot com. This is what we did for the club raffle earlier this year.
Club insurance is due. Please also confirm your RAC membership by email ( ve6cia at gmail dot com ) so we can get the best rate for the club.
can also download the CAARC membership and renewal form under the “Site tools” tab and send your dues by snail mail to the listed address on the bottom of the form or bring it to the meeting. Your support helps keep your repeaters operating and your club active.
Thank you from your executive
73 CAARC Executive
End of Summer Social
Aug 25th
Please mark your calendar for the CAARC End of Summer Social Friday, September 2, 2022 16:00 – 20:00. John VE6HPY is hosting this event at his place again. Please bring your significant other, lawn chairs and a pot luck item. The club is providing hot dogs and buns and John is providing the fire! Hope to see you there! (go west of Hwy 2 on 11A to the first right after the lights at Blue Grass Sod Farm (280), it is the second driveway on the left)
Please RSVP to Sandy VE6SND at rac dot ca

Field Day Pictures 2021
Jul 5th
Thanks to everyone who submitted these pictures. Be sure to check all four pages at the bottom of the first page for all the pictures.
These are the field day results as submitted to ARRL (Thanks VA6SGL ) Great job everyone!
RAC Canada Day Contest
Feb 3rd