ARES Training Courses

The Following is being sent on behalf of David (VE6DXX)

Two training courses have been arranged as follows:-

1) “Basic Communicator” course on Saturday March 3, 2012 at 9:30 AM –
Location NARC site

This is the first course which members need to take towards their basic ARES
training; the course is thus well suited to new members. However, it is also
an ideal refresher for members who have not been in the field recently or
just need to polish their skills. The course covers all the essentials and
background to ARES operations and in the second half of the course
introduces best practice voice procedures. Good voice procedures benefit
everyone especially during a real emergency or an exercise.

If you wish to attend this course, please register by emailing David VE6DXX
at Please title the message “ARES Training” and give the
name and date of the course you wish to attend.
TH Coffee and muffins will be available from 9 AM to those that have

2) “Incident Command System 100” course on Saturday April 7, 2012 at 9:30 AM
– Location NARC site

Incident Command is all about how incidents, training exercises and public
events can be run using the ICS system. ISC is universally used in the USA
and Canada for managing and organizing a response to any incident, large or
small. This course teaches the basics of ICS and the terminology used. If
you are even involved with one of the Agencies around Edmonton then it is
essential that you understand how ICS works

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