about 8 years ago - No comments
Congratulations to Brad VA6BMK, winner of the $500 raffle draw and Brian VE6CKC winner of the $200 raffle draw at the 46th Annual Red Deer Picnic June 19, 2016. Pictured here (right) John VA6SJA receives from Garry VE6CIA the Yaesu FTM 3200DR and the Celestron weather station draw prizes donated by Radio World Central which…
about 13 years ago - No comments
Check out the new updated info under the  ARES  drop down tab. Thanks for the info Jeff, Bob
about 13 years ago - No comments
Last week VA6RIC and 12 other members of Red Deer SAR USAR team headed to College Station Texas for a multinational disaster exercise. The exercise was held at Disaster City, a real life- but fake- town that has been created to simulate collapsed structures, train derailments, and real life rescue scenarios. Over five days our…
about 13 years ago - No comments
New Callout Membership List available under Members Area
about 14 years ago - No comments
VE6BLD on CBC talking about CANWARN (Canadian Weather Amateur Radio Network) at 12:12 on CBC Radio1 1010 AM Calgary.Tune in to listen.. http://www.cbc.ca/albertaatnoon/episode/2010/11/01/weather-watchers/
about 14 years ago - No comments
[html] If we don’t support RAC now, when they need us most, we may as well kiss the bands goodbye. RAC Bulletin 2010-09-14E 2010-09-10 Industry Canada advised both RAC and RAQI on Friday, Sept 10, 2010 that their Montreal office had authorized a number of 430 to 450 MHz frequencies and a single VHF frequency…
about 14 years ago - No comments
[html] Here is something we can all easily do. Go to the link below for comments and questions, and fill in the form under the heading: Transportation- Distracted Driving Legislation. It is that easy. Here is my entry, as an example of what you can say(with thanks to Earl VE6NI for some content I pirated…
about 15 years ago - 3 comments
[html] To celebrate VE6QEN obtaining her HAM CALL following 30 years of being kidded (hassled) and hopelessly pressured to become a ham, we have preserved the milestone on video. Sarina completely surprised me by taking the course and passing with an impressive 88% (she now claims she was only after a specific CALL). Most of…
about 15 years ago - No comments
[html] TCA Article by VA6RIC Emerg Comm Trailer Small Investment in Time and Energy Means Better Equipped to Respond By Ric Henderson, VA6RIC Assistant County Manager and Director of Emergency Management Red Deer County,AB Take a group of ham radio enthusiasts with 39 years of history and put them together with a proactive municipality and…
about 15 years ago - No comments
[html] Congratulations to Garry, VE6CIA from Red Deer who has volunteered to be the new RAC Section Manager for  ARES, Alberta. We look forward to great things happening in the future with ARES in the Red Deer area and around Alberta. [/html]