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Posts tagged Promoting Amateur Radio

Picnic prizes
Jun 20th
Congratulations to Brad VA6BMK, winner of the $500 raffle draw and Brian VE6CKC winner of the $200 raffle draw at the 46th Annual Red Deer Picnic June 19, 2016.
Pictured here (right) John VA6SJA receives from Garry VE6CIA the Yaesu FTM 3200DR and the Celestron weather station draw prizes donated by Radio World Central which he won from the main draw and the Canwarn training draw.
Other prize winners include: Eric VE6HFF winner of an FTM 3100R donated by CAARC, Darren VA6WNG winner of an FTM 3100R donated by VE6HPY and VE6CIA, Rick VE6RAK winner of a Sangean Weather Alert Radio donated by Radio World Central, Pericles VA6PTA winner of the Raspberry PI2 donated by KoHen, and many others too numerous to mention.
Some of the ladies: Sheila (xyl of VE6HFF), Linda (xyl of VE6DE) and Brenda (xyl of VE6BLL) won the 2 beautiful hooked wall art and knitted blanket created and donated by Sylvia VE6SYL.
Special thanks go out to Greg VA6GMC and Karen VE6LDY for the super tasty pig and all the hard work that comes with preparing, cooking and presenting the wonderful pork that was on our plates. Also thanks to all the other donors of the wonderful food at the pot luck.
Chalk up another successful Ham Radio Pignic thanks to all of you that participated and made it all worth while.

VE6BLD and VE6CV on CBC Radio 1
Nov 14th
Bob King VE6BLD of Lacombe and Gary Wheeler VE6CV of Lethbridge are part of CANWARN, the Canadian Weather Amateur Radio network, using their eyes and ears to report unusual weather in Alberta for Environment Canada.  They were both interviewed on CBC Radio1 on November 1, 2010. To learn more about CANWARN see  the drop down menu under ARTICLES on this web page. To listen to the interview please click this link.
VE6BLD on CBC talking about CANWARN
Nov 2nd
VE6BLD on CBC talking about CANWARN (Canadian Weather Amateur Radio Network) at 12:12 on CBC Radio1 1010 AM Calgary.Tune in to listen..
Join RAC or lose the band
Sep 12th
[html] If we don’t support RAC now, when they need us most, we may as well kiss the bands goodbye.
RAC Bulletin 2010-09-14E
Industry Canada advised both RAC and RAQI on Friday, Sept 10, 2010 that their Montreal office had authorized a number of 430 to 450 MHz frequencies and a single VHF frequency on 145.555 mHz. Â According to IC, frequencies were chosen to avoid known amateur repeater channels. Â These frequencies in the 70 cm and 2m amateur bands were temporarily authorized to support communications for many European entrants of a cycling event to be held on Quebec City and Montreal on Sept 10 and Sept 12 respectively. Â Â This type of authorized intrusion by Industry Canada of non-amateur communications in amateur spectrum is highly unusual and is a matter of great concern to Radio Amateurs of Canada. Â RAC will be taking the matter up with Industry Canada officials. Â RAC will be interested in knowing if actual interference has been caused to amateur communications; please report any observations to regulatory@rac.ca
Submitted by VE6CIA [/html]
Distracted Driving Bylaw
May 5th
[html] Here is something we can all easily do.
Go to the link below for comments and questions, and fill in the form under the heading: Transportation- Distracted Driving Legislation. It is that easy. Here is my entry, as an example of what you can say(with thanks to Earl VE6NI for some content I pirated from him). Why reinvent the wheel?
Please be advised that Amateur (ham) Radio Operators in the Province of Alberta are licensed by Industry Canada to operate 2 way radios. In instances of Emergency or Disaster they become an invaluable tool for nearly all services when cell sites are overloaded and land lines are not available or out of service.
As radio amateurs, we are concerned that there should be no prohibition regarding the use of radio amateur equipment while in vehicles, under any circumstances (not just while involved in a Search and Rescue operation or an officially declared disaster.) In addition to periodically having mock search exercises and Simulated Emergency Tests for disaster-related exercises (sometimes in conjunction with local Disaster Services), radio amateurs, in a sense are always practicing proper operational procedures while “on the air”, whether mobiling or otherwise.
Thanks for your considerations about our concerns and wish you all the best in continuing to make our roads safer.
Garry Jacobs VE6CIA Certified Emergency Coordinator, Radio Amateurs of Canada – Section Manager, Alberta
45 Selkirk Blvd. Red Deer, AB T4N 0G4 403-343-1930
Bill 16, the Traffic Safety (Distracted Driving) Amendment Act, 2010 is available on the Legislative Assembly of Alberta’s website at: http://www.assembly.ab.ca/. Frequently asked questions related to Bill 16 are also available online on Alberta Transportation’s website (http://www.transportation.alberta.ca/). We welcome comments and questions regarding Bill 16, which can be submitted online by visiting: http://alberta.ca/home/Feedback.cfm.
Submitted by VE6CIA [/html]
Jan 31st
[html] To celebrate VE6QEN obtaining her HAM CALL following 30 years of being kidded (hassled) and hopelessly pressured to become a ham, we have preserved the milestone on video. Sarina completely surprised me by taking the course and passing with an impressive 88% (she now claims she was only after a specific CALL). Most of you will understand that I thought I was only dreaming, hi hi. Our son Dennis VE6KDR congratulated her and figured it was an occasion and great subject for some humor to preserve on video. He sent us a shot list of instructions and dialogue for us to shoot the video clips and I electronically sent them, including the bloopers, to him in Ontario. Dennis edited and professionally produced the DVD, it is a humorous eight minute video celebrating the reason Sarina got her ham license.Â
The video is all about ham radio space communication. Click this link for a short sample of the 8 minute movie. Anyone who would like to order a professionally produced Custom CAARC WARS DVD complete with case (as shown below) may do so on line. Please click the following link to order your copy. The cost is $4.50 USD each Full DVD Case with shrink wrap plus on line calculated shipping. If you want to order multiple copies the shipping is approximately as follows.
pre-calculated approx shipping to Alberta 4TL1L6 (USD)
Units = Approximate Shipping cost per DVD
1 = $4.20
10 = $3.15
15 = $2.82
20 = $2.58
Click the following link to order.
We definitely had a lot of fun producing this video. Please respect the producers and do not make copies of this DVD.