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NEW CAARC Executive for 2014-2015

The Annual General meeting of CAARC was held on Tuesday November 18th at the new Red Deer County Search and Rescue building. Ric Henderson VA6RIC ( Director of Community and Protective Services) gave everyone a tour of the new facility and equipment.

The new executive for the 2014-2015 year is as listed below.

Thanks to everyone who attended and congratulations to the new executive.

I look forward to working with you over the next year.


Past President – Sandy Jacobs VE6SND

President– Bob King VE6BLD

Vice President- Steven Lee VA6SGL

Secretary– Bill Jackson VA6BLL

Treasurer– Karen McKinney VA6LDY


  1. Brian Davies VE6CKC
  2. Neil Rowe VA6AK
  3. Rick Koinberg VE6RAK
  4. Bob Bryce VA6TRB
  5. Bryan McKay VE6JPW


Skip MacAulay VE6BGT

Emergency Coordinator
Jeff Low VA6JL
Geoff Norris VA6TAC
Bob King VE6BLD
Net Control
Bob King VE6BLD

JT65B digital HF

I received some nice DX today on JT65B! Check out the pictures.



Amateur Radio Saves the day again

Last night, Sunday September 21, 2014, at approx. 21:00hrs PST VY1MAP (Terry) called on our local repeater-146.880-looking for VY1RF (Ray).

Terry wanted Ray to make a phone call for him as he was not in cell phone range. The situation was that Terry is a member of our Search and Rescue team and they were on a search for a missing teenager. The command center they had setup was approx 35kms north of Whitehorse at Lake Laberge. The satellite phone that they were to use, was not functioning so they had no way to call for assistance, additional resources or send status reports.

That’s where amateur radio comes in. Terry, being a ham, goes out to his truck and makes contact with Whitehorse via 2M amateur radio with VY1RF (Ray) and VY1RM (Ron).  They were able to pass important traffic to/from the command center.

The young man was found and all ended well.

This is the second time in as many months that amateur radio and in particular Yukon Amateur Radio Association’s members and infrastructure proved invaluable in an emergency situation. Good job guys!

Just remember-Keep calm and grab your radio!

Radioworld Central Grand Opening



Dear Friends,

Everyone at GPS Central and Radioworld is thrilled to announce the “GRAND OPENING” of our new retail store “Radioworld Central” in Calgary, AB.  We wish to invite you to join us in celebrating this exciting occasion on Saturday July 26th, 2014.

We have partnered with the very best manufacturers including Garmin, Lowrance, Simrad, Humminbird, MinnKota, Icom, Yaesu, Kenwood, FlexRadio, Minelab, Garrett, Uniden, Cobra, K40, Wilson Antenna, Bushnell, Celestron, Globalstar, ACR, BlueFox and many others to offer consumers the very best products, sales assistance and technical support from the most experienced staff in the industry, a core value built and proven over the past 15 years.

Radioworld Central’s focus is to provide the widest selection of products for Commuters, Travellers, Geocachers, Amateur Radio operators, Metal Detectorists, Anglers, Hunters, Hikers, Backpackers, Runners, Golfers, Bikers, Riders, Pilots, Truckers, RVers, Shortwave Radio enthusiasts, Weather enthusiasts and beyond, all at competitive pricing and service second to none. We specialize in providing smart electronics into niche markets and never stop searching for the next great product to bring to our customers.

Everyone at Radioworld and GPS Central are excited to be one team and will strive to continue to be Canada’s favourite Navigation and Communications retailer for years to come.

Please join us for the GRAND OPENING festivities and for a FREE BBQ Lunch that day!

Thank You for your support.

Angelo Meffe                                       Jack Summers                                   George Valentine

President                                             Marketing Manager                            General Manager

angelo@radioworld.ca                        jack@radioworld.ca                             gvalentine@gpscentral.ca


VA6DX FPV Flight over Red Deer Picnic

From Barry Bergstrom VA6DX

Hey Bob. Here’s a quick video of the FPV flight from last weekend. You’re welcome to embed it on the CAARC site if you like; just but a note on to watch it in 720p or 1080p for a better effect. 

Thanks Barry great video





RAC/ARES meets in Red Deer Alberta
RAC/ARES members took advantage of the recent Central Alberta Amateur Radio Club Hamfest in Red Deer Alberta to meet and discuss issues ranging from recruitment training and organization.
Alberta ARES has had a busy period providing communication services to their communities with the recent floods in Calgary and High River and the Slave Lake fires as only two examples.

Left to right… Neal Sunderland VE6NL the new Section Emergency Coordinator for Alberta, often seen driving around the province visiting members in his Holiday Rambler Class A RV, Jeff Low VA6JL Red Deer Emergency Coordinator and veteran of the recent floods as well as Garry Jacobs VE6CIA Alberta Section Manager.  Inset, Ian Burgess VA6EMS Emergency Coordinator for Calgary. [1]

Geoff Bawden, VE4BAW
Acting CFSO and President RAC