45th Anniversary a Success

The 45th Anniversary Red Deer Picnic and Hamfest was a huge success. There were 112 people registered.  On Saturday morning Radio World and other flea market vendors enjoyed selling new and used radios and accessories under a beautiful and sunny sky. Greg and Karen and Karen’s parents began the process of roasting of the pig at 3:00 AM! Thanks for your generous donation of the pig and all your time!  Everyone enjoyed the roasted pork and the pot luck dinner Saturday evening.  Following the meal we watched the 45th anniversary video produced by Vance VA6VAN. Thank you Vance, for editing the pictures and videos sent from numerous hams. The weather was great Sunday morning for the pancake breakfast, egg toss and the  draw prizes.

There were many people who helped in various ways to make our 45th anniversary hamfest and picnic a resounding success. A special thank you to Phyllis and the ladies from the 160 gang from Camrose for organizing the fun craft again this year!  Thank you everyone!

Bob King VE6BLD

CAARC President

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Picnic pic from RAKsmall


Picnic SAR CQ1small













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