New VE6QE Repeater Controller Upgrade

The club has purchased a new controller from Link Communications to replace the aging and faltering controller we are using now.

The average user won’t hear much difference when you connect  to the VE6QE repeater but in the background there are better improvements.  Things like the actual programming is easier and there are more radio ports to add more link radios. The pix shows the controller and the new UHF hub repeater mounted in a test rack in my shack for programming and testing. The radio at the bottom is going to be a new link that can connect the CAARC system into the SARA system for emergencies…It won’t be on full time like our other linked repeaters but can be connected by DTMF commands when needed… The only thing that is not shown here is the larger DVR (Digital Voice Recorder) that we are using presently on the existing system.  I hope to have it all ready to be installed at the repeater site in the spring. I will be bringing the controller to the next club meeting so if you want to see it you better show up. I will also be bringing some of the older home brew repeaters we have used in the past to compare old repeater building to the newer ones.

Skip, VE6BGT

Sad Announcement

It is with sadness I report (VA6IX) Jack’s  wife Shirley passed away after a lengthy battle with cancer.  The funeral service will be held Saturday, January 15 at 1:30PM at the Church of the Latter Day Saints in Olds.  The church is located at  3802 57 Ave., across the street from the Hospital.  Viewing will be from 12:00 to 1:00PM. Our condolences to Jack and his family.  Shirley will certainly be missed.

Welcome to the new and improved web site of the Central Alberta Amateur Radio Club.

Welcome to the new and improved web site of the Central Alberta Amateur Radio Club.

This site will continue to be improved as the webmaster adds more items. Enjoy and have fun!

Registration Instructions

Welcome guest

Please enjoy this amateur radio site. You are welcome to sign up and register with your Amateur Radio Call sign.

If you have previously registered on the old web page then you are already an existing user. Please click on “Lost your password?” under the registration window in the left column and you will then be e-mailed a new temporary password. Log in to this site with the temporary password, then in the left column, click on “Dashboard”, then “Users”, then “Your profile”. Then fill in your new desired password at the bottom of the page. Remember to click “Update Profile” in the bottom left corner. From that point on you will be able to log in with your new password.


If you are a new user, click on” Register” and a new page will open.

You must enter your Amateur Radio Call Sign in the field “Username“.

Then fill in all the other fields.  In order to proceed, all fields are required to be filled in.

Your registration will need to be approved before you will be able to login. Your registration approval will be emailed to you.

Once you are logged in, you will then be able to post news, forums, links, and your own gallery items!

Welcome, and enjoy this new web page.

Public service communications?

Are you serious about providing public service communications?

Then the CEC (Certified Emergency Co-ordinator) designation should be considered for any and every Canadian Radio Amateur. This is an open book exam provided by Radio Amateurs of Canada. You simply refer to the listed training materials (downloadable from RAC) while taking the exam.Then submit the exam to RAC to obtain your certificate if you pass. Click this link to go the RAC page for instructions and information.

VE/VA6 Incoming QSL Bureau

VE/VA6 Incoming QSL Bureau

The VE6/VA6 Incoming Bureau is run by a group of dedicated volunteer amateurs located in Calgary,AB. Please Click this link to go to the web page and send them some money to receive your cards or they will be destroyed after 2 years. You don’t want to lose that rare DX contact confirmation!

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