General News

Welcome to the new and improved web site of the Central Alberta Amateur Radio Club.

Welcome to the new and improved web site of the Central Alberta Amateur Radio Club.

This site will continue to be improved as the webmaster adds more items. Enjoy and have fun!

Registration Instructions

Welcome guest

Please enjoy this amateur radio site. You are welcome to sign up and register with your Amateur Radio Call sign.

If you have previously registered on the old web page then you are already an existing user. Please click on “Lost your password?” under the registration window in the left column and you will then be e-mailed a new temporary password. Log in to this site with the temporary password, then in the left column, click on “Dashboard”, then “Users”, then “Your profile”. Then fill in your new desired password at the bottom of the page. Remember to click “Update Profile” in the bottom left corner. From that point on you will be able to log in with your new password.


If you are a new user, click on” Register” and a new page will open.

You must enter your Amateur Radio Call Sign in the field “Username“.

Then fill in all the other fields.  In order to proceed, all fields are required to be filled in.

Your registration will need to be approved before you will be able to login. Your registration approval will be emailed to you.

Once you are logged in, you will then be able to post news, forums, links, and your own gallery items!

Welcome, and enjoy this new web page.

Public service communications?

Are you serious about providing public service communications?

Then the CEC (Certified Emergency Co-ordinator) designation should be considered for any and every Canadian Radio Amateur. This is an open book exam provided by Radio Amateurs of Canada. You simply refer to the listed training materials (downloadable from RAC) while taking the exam.Then submit the exam to RAC to obtain your certificate if you pass. Click this link to go the RAC page for instructions and information.

VE/VA6 Incoming QSL Bureau

VE/VA6 Incoming QSL Bureau

The VE6/VA6 Incoming Bureau is run by a group of dedicated volunteer amateurs located in Calgary,AB. Please Click this link to go to the web page and send them some money to receive your cards or they will be destroyed after 2 years. You don’t want to lose that rare DX contact confirmation!

Edit this page

weather radio

[html] My name Is Kent, VE4KEH, and I’ve recently accepted an assignment maintaining the Environment Canada Weather Radio (and ATAD) network in the Prairies.  I would like to ask the ARES ECs in Alberta and Saskatchewan if they would canvass their CANWARN members to act as rosources to assist in monitoring the network. Would you please forward this request to them, and ask that they contact me?  Either my work or RAC address is fine. Kent Haase
Dissemination | Diffusion
Meteorological Service Of Canada | Service météorologique du Canada

Environment Canada | Environnement Canada
123 Main St, Suite 150 | 123, Rue Main, bureau 150
Winnipeg, MB  R3C 4W2
Telephone | Téléphone 204-983-4389
Cell | Cellulaire 204-791-3475
Facsimile | Télécopieur 204-983-4884
Submitted by VE6CIA [/html]


[html] Hello all…Michael and I have the web site running again(THANKS TO MICHAEL VE6ATO!!) We have added more security so please try all the areas and send me a note of any problems you encounter.

Hopefully It is stable until we get a new one up and running.
73 Bob and Michael


Amateur Radio Nets


I have had a few requests for listings of nets.

Here is a great listing of the Canadian Amateur Radio Nets.

See you on the nets!
