General News

End Fed Antenna by MOSHE INGER 4Z1PF HaGal Israel Amateur Radio Club Magazine

End Fed Antenna by MOSHE INGER 4Z1PF HaGal Israel Amateur Radio Club Magazine, issue 410, June 2013 translated by Earl VA6TJ
What more could we wish for? An easy to build antenna made from inexpensive materials, covering all
the HF bands! The simple end fed antenna described in this article meets these requirements.
A half wave end fed antenna exhibits a high impedance to the transmitter. This mis-match is too high
for most external or internal antenna tuners to deal with. However we can use a transformer to
overcome this mis-match.



Click this following link to download the rest of the article in PDF format

end fed antenna 4z1pf translation

Boston Marathon 2013 – Bombs, Carnage and Amateur Radio Operators

Glacier Waterton Hamfest

Hamfest Time!!!
Registration is open! Available here is the 2013 registration. Hope to see you there!!

George Forsyth AA7GS
212 Skyline Drive N.E. (Home)
Great Falls, Montana 59404

George Forsyth (work)
207 2nd Ave So. (shipping)
Great Falls, Montana 59405

FEMA training:
Montana’s Ham Radio Forum:

Director: Glacier Waterton International Hamfest
Member: North Central Montana Auxiliary Communications Group

ICS 100-200-230-250-288-700-702-800-802-813-907-ARECC-CERT-FEMA AUX COMM-FEMA COML-

North Central Montana Auxiliary Communications Group Net:
AE7OC 7PM Thursdays 146.740 (N7YO) Echolink 37656 IRLP NODE #7908 (147.300)

Contact ISS

All visible passes over the next five days starting Feb.19, 2013 of the ISS for us are at about 54deg N and occur between 6:30PM and 8:30PM.

Rx on 145.800 and Tx on 144.490

Volunteers provide key emergency communications

Volunteers provide key emergency communications

EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS: Russell Storry, emergency radio coordinator, recently participated in a practice session during which an email was sent and received using ham radios and netbook computers.
Equipment allows emails to be sent using ham radios and battery-powered computers
by Laura Walz |
Published: Wednesday, December 12, 2012 11:21 AM PST
Ham radio operators in Powell River are a key part of the region’s emergency response system. Members of Powell River Amateur Repeater Society and Powell River Amateur Radio Club volunteer to be part of the emergency radio communication unit, which comes under the umbrella of Powell River Regional Emergency Program (PRREP).

A major disaster on the West Coast would have the potential to knock out communications, including telephone and Internet service. The unit would activate equipment kept in an emergency communications trailer, which can be set up wherever an Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) would be established. Both the Powell River Regional District and City of Powell River have contributed funds for equipment, as well as a grant from BC Gaming.

The emergency radio communications group, which has 10 regular members, is part of Emergency Management BC (EMBC), said Russell Storry, emergency radio coordinator. “We have identify cards and coverage through WorkSafeBC for a tasked event,” he explained. “We complement Emergency Social Services [ESS] and ground search and rescue.”

The trailer is equipped with generators and fuel, Storry explained. “Our task is to pass messages. We provide backup communications in the event that telephones and Internet are not available.”

The group recently added a system which enables them to send digital messages within the region and also to Victoria, using a combination of amateur radios and other equipment. The system allows an EOC in Powell River to have outside communications and both send and receive messages.

Digital messages can be sent between two ham radios connected to netbooks or laptop computers that can run off batteries, explained Derek Poole, a radio operator with the unit. “With the software we’re using and that hardware, we can send text messages, emails back and forth,” he said.

Without the system, communications would be voice-to-voice over the radio, Poole said, or actually picking the message up physically and delivering it. “The problem with a real large-scale event can sometimes be the radios can really get tied up with the urgency of the communications,” he said. “This uses a different system, a different set of frequencies and it’s very fast. When you send a message with this method, once it’s all set up and you push the go button, it’s a matter of a few seconds and it passes the whole message. It doesn’t tie up the airways to any extent at all.”

Currently, the system works radio-to-radio directly, so it is restricted by distance. The plan is to install a digital repeater on Texada Island, which would allow the group to work in more isolated areas, Poole said.

While the system is somewhat slower than normal Internet service, it is possible to send small attachments, Poole said. “For example, if you had specific, written instructions that you had to pass on, the commander or whoever was in charge could sign that off and send it off signed to another location,” he said. “They could receive it and it could be an official document as part of whatever exercise you are involved in.”

Poole said he was excited about the new capabilities, which he said has applications for search and rescue as well. “If we were in the backcountry and there were poor communications back into the front, we could do equipment requests or resource requests using this system.”

The group is looking for more members, said Storry. “The issue for us would be if we had an event, to provide volunteers on a continuous basis around the clock for a number of locations takes a lot of people.”

People interested in volunteering don’t have to have their own ham radios, but most do. People do need an amateur radio licence to use amateur radio bands, Storry explained, and computer skills are helpful.

Members of the society assist newcomers with learning how to become an EMBC registered radio communications volunteer. The society meets on the first Saturday of the month from September to June at the Cranberry Training Centre.

Interested readers can find more information by following the PRREP links on the regional district’s website.

Bob Heil, (video casts) with various co-hosts and guests, will cover the excitement and importance of ham radio

Bob Heil, with various co-hosts and guests, will cover the excitement and importance of ham radio – from tossing an antenna wire in a tree allowing you to talk to the world, to the importance of ham radio operators in time of disasters.

Records live every Wednesday at 6:00pm PT/9:00pm ET.  Also see drop down menu under ARTICLES.

Weather Radio Net

There is a fairly new net on Saturday nights called the Weather Radio Listeners Newsletter Net. It is hosted by Gordon Maybee, VA3WXA out of Toronto. It begins at 8pm Atlantic, 7pm Eastern on IRLP Reflector 9034 and if you have a computer, Echolink node 223557. It has information about Weather Radio and also CANWARN. It will also include weather warnings across Canada and power outages. We are trying to make this a Cross Canada Net to include all provinces and Territories.We are looking for station from Québec to participate as we do not have any stations checking in from there yet.

We are looking for stations who are interested in weather to take part. If you have a weather station, you can report your findings at your QTH or if you have any local severe weather going on, you can report on that.

For more information about the net, go to The Maritime Amateur website and click on CANWARN. Once there, click on CANWARN news where you will find articles on this net. Here is the direct link:

New VE6QE Repeater Installation Time Lapse Fast

This is a video I made from 140 still images taken while Skip VE6BGT and Bob VE6BLD installed the new VE6QE Repeater and controller

[jwplayer mediaid=”993″]

Create Your Website with WordPress

Hi, this is Dennis King (Bob VE6BLD’s son)…

If you’ve been meaning to create a website or if you’re frustrated with your current website, then this may be exactly the help you need.

I’ve put together a Free Website Starter Kit and you can get more details here:
Website Starter Kit for CAARC Visitors

Why the Wrong Tools Make You Miserable

It’s getting easier to create and publish websites BUT ONLY IF you start with the right tools.

If you’re not a web techie,  you’ll stumble into problems and confusion pretty fast.

You’re smart, but even today  all the choices and details are overwhelming – even for a web techie!

The story goes something like this…

Should you use a free blogging tool?  What about a web builder tool that was “tossed in” with your internet service provider?

Maybe you should get your own hosting or buy a domain name?

But how do you choose and register a domain name?  Should you?

What about configuring new email permanent accounts at you domain?
Even if you get this far, you’ll still have no website.

If you buy a separate hosting package then maybe you have high hopes for the “all include 1-2-3-you’re-done website builder tool”.

After countless wasted hours going in circles, you’ll realize that the hyped-up freebie website building tools offered at most web hosts are a total joke.

Now what?

Why be a sweaty trail blazing explorer fighting for every yard?

It’s easier and faster to follow a clear step by step path – a ready-made trail to the destination.

Leave the trail blazing or blind wandering to someone else.

I created the Website Starter Kit to help people escape the “bush-whacking frustration” of starting a proper website that they actually enjoy updating.

I created a page just for CAARC visitors that gives you some more details about the Website Starter Kit.

Just click the link below:
Website Starter Kit for CAARC Visitors


These days you can start a proper website without programming or internet-techie stuff of the past.

Just a few years ago it was hard to build a basic website.  You had to be a web techie.

You had to know how HTML code, CSS, and how to transfer files with FTP.  Plus you had to buy software for your computer.

That’s all changed.

Now you can easily build your own website BUT ONLY IF you start with the right tools.

Proper Websites Made Easy with WordPress

The CAARC website is a good example.  This site uses software called WordPress.

WordPress is FREE and Website Starter Kit give you more details about what it can do for you.

WordPress is high-quality open-source software that is completely FREE to use for a personal or business website.
Anyone can use it and all you need is hosting and a web browser.  It works on Windows computers and it works for Mac too.


You just need an internet browser, so it doesn’t matter what kind of computer you use.

I’ve talked with many people who have struggled with websites and web designers.

They were frustrated – either because they couldn’t get started or they were stuck using some old program that they hated!   Some of them had wasted a lot of money too.


I created the Website Starter Kit to help beginners start a proper website with WordPress.

It is designed to show you exactly what to do.  Every detail of every step is included.

You can start your website with this kit even if you’ve never created a website before and you feel like a total beginner.  If you know a bit about websites – then you’ll do fine too.

It shows you exactly what to do.  You won’t stumble around without a map.



It includes PDF guides, Audio, and Video.

If you’d like to start a proper website for your business or a personal interest then check out the Website Starter Kit.  The kit is free and packed with helpful information.

You’ll also get the 16 Reasons to Love WordPress audio report and PDF guide to help you decide if the Website Starter Kit is right for you.

To get your free Website Starter Kit click the link below.

You’ll land at a webpage I created just for CAARC visitors.  You’ll see a form asking for your email address, but don’t worry – your email is completely safe and you can easily unsubscribe anytime.

Dennis King


P.S. WordPress is free software that runs millions of websites.  It is fast becoming the tool of choice for creating websites.  The Starter Kit explains all the details, so go and grab it and judge for yourself.

A new D-X record is set using the ageing Amsat Oscar 7 satellite. A big tower victory in Nevada – Ham wins right to install 8 towers Erin King, AK4JG named the 2012 Amateur Radio Newsline Young Ham of the Year.

Amateur Radio Newsline™ Report 1821 – July 6 2012  
AuthorNews Desk
  • Ham radio responds as a severe weather hits the Mid-West and Mid-Atlantic US
  • A a new D-X record is set using the ageing Amsat Oscar 7 satellite
  • A big tower victory in Nevada – Ham wins right to install 8 towers
  • Erin King, AK4JG named the 2012 Amateur Radio Newsline Young Ham of the Year.

Click the  link below to listen to the podcast.