General News

B17G WWII Flying Fortress Bomber Airflight!

I can still hardly believe it!!  This morning at 8:00 AM,  I found out that not only could we view a WWII bomber at the Coeur D’Alene, Idaho. airport, BUT  they were offering rides and had two seats still available.  An hour later Sarina and I were strapped in a WWII B17G flying fortress  bomber and took off for an amazing 30 minute flight!!!

It is only one of a few still in existence today. I will be posting another blog with all the details when we get home.Here are a couple of pictures. What an absolutely unforgettable experience for both of us. It felt like we were going on a real bombing mission!!! We survived and the pictures to come will prove our ability to operate the machine guns from inside the plane while in flight. We were allowed to move around throughout the plane  while we were flying up to 3000 feet.

Stay tuned for more to come!!!!

Bob VE6BLD and Sarina VE6QEN





VE6EB Silent Key

MRS. REGINA MARTENS beloved wife of Mr. Tom Martens, of Raymond, AB,
passed away at home on Sunday, May 22, 2011, at the age of 64 years.
Regina was an amateur radio operator (Ham) VE6EB for many years and a
familiar voice on the local radio repeater.
A Memorial Service will be held at the CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATER
DAY SAINTS, Taylor Street Chapel, Raymond, AB at a later date.
In memory of Regina, donations may be made to the Red Cross Relief Fund
for Slave Lake, 1120-7 Avenue South, Lethbridge, Alberta, T1J 1K5.
Honoured to Serve
Cornerstone Funeral Home & Crematorium
2800 Mayor Magrath Drive South
Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 7B1
Telephone ~ (403) 381-7777
Fax ~ (403) 381-3128
Toll Free ~ 1-(888)-381-7778


New VE6QE repeater package installed on May12, 2011

This is a 13 second fast video of VE6BGT Skip and VE6BLD Bob installing the new VE6QE repeater package built by Skip over the past many months.


Click this link to watch a 4 minute video of the same video above


New Brochure for the Central Alberta Amateur Radio Club

I have produced a new Brochure for the Central Alberta Amateur Radio Club.

To download a color printable PDF document of the Club Advertising brochure complete with hot links back

to the web site  click this link

or check the second Tab under Site Tools menu.

Bob VE6BLD. Webmaster


An amateur photographer has completed an incredible feat of capturing the space shuttle approaching the International Space Station

Amateur photographer captures space shuttle from back garden

Thank you to Earl 4Z4TJ for the link !! Incredible!

An amateur photographer has completed an incredible feat of capturing the space shuttle approaching the International Space Station – from his back garden in the Forest of Dean.

Astronomy enthusiast Rob Bullen used a mid-range digital camera and a 20 year old telescope to take the photo of the shuttle and the ISS Photo: ROB BULLEN/NATIONAL PICTURES
8:46AM GMT 02 Mar 2011

Using just a mid-range digital camera and a 20 year old telescope astronomy enthusiast Rob Bullen, 40, was amazed to get the shot.

He said: “I have never been able to capture a space shuttle in this flying configuration. It is the Holy grail of International Space Station imaging.”

Mr Bullen, who has had a passion for the skies since the age of 10, said: “Some years ago I thought it would

be interesting to try and view the space station through my telescope and was shocked by the amount of detail you could see on it.”

The realisation inspired him to pick up his Canon Eos 40D DSLR and 8.5 inch Newton telescope as the station passed over the UK and the shuttle was in orbit last Saturday.

The IT manager rigged his 10 megapixel camera up to the telescope and had just three minutes to capture the event which raced across the sky at a similar pace to a jet plane.

He tracked the two craft across the skies but it was only when the cloud parted at the right time that he captured this rare gem.

He said: “I had no idea that night the shuttle would only be 45 minutes away from docking with the station. After a very cloudy day the skies cleared to allow a view of this stunning pass of the ISS and Discovery.

“I could not believe the timing was so fortuitous to show the shuttle closing in on the station. I captured this, what I guess could potentially be, a once in a lifetime image of these two spaceships traveling as separate craft.

Mr Bullen said: “Needless to say I was totally shocked and delighted to see the shuttle closing in on the ISS.

“Although over the years I have obtained clearer images of the station on its own to capture such a iconic image of mankind’s only permanently manned outpost in space and the most sophisticated flying machine ever built on its last flight before ending its days bound to Earth in a museum was a real privilege and something I will treasure.

“I am unlikely to capture such an image again with only two Shuttle flights left before they are decommissioned.”

Ham of the Year recipients

Could everyone please let me know who past recipients of the Ham of the year award have been? I would like to have name, call and year. I am trying to compile a complete list, and have many blanks right now. Thanks! Nancy VA6HOT

New VE6QE Repeater Controller Upgrade

The club has purchased a new controller from Link Communications to replace the aging and faltering controller we are using now.

The average user won’t hear much difference when you connect  to the VE6QE repeater but in the background there are better improvements.  Things like the actual programming is easier and there are more radio ports to add more link radios. The pix shows the controller and the new UHF hub repeater mounted in a test rack in my shack for programming and testing. The radio at the bottom is going to be a new link that can connect the CAARC system into the SARA system for emergencies…It won’t be on full time like our other linked repeaters but can be connected by DTMF commands when needed… The only thing that is not shown here is the larger DVR (Digital Voice Recorder) that we are using presently on the existing system.  I hope to have it all ready to be installed at the repeater site in the spring. I will be bringing the controller to the next club meeting so if you want to see it you better show up. I will also be bringing some of the older home brew repeaters we have used in the past to compare old repeater building to the newer ones.

Skip, VE6BGT

Sad Announcement

It is with sadness I report (VA6IX) Jack’s  wife Shirley passed away after a lengthy battle with cancer.  The funeral service will be held Saturday, January 15 at 1:30PM at the Church of the Latter Day Saints in Olds.  The church is located at  3802 57 Ave., across the street from the Hospital.  Viewing will be from 12:00 to 1:00PM. Our condolences to Jack and his family.  Shirley will certainly be missed.