General News

Use Canada’s 150th special prefixes all year 2017

Just a reminder, you can use CF for all VA prefixes and CG for all VE prefixes for the year 2017 for Canada’s 150th. Use for all operations including contests, DX etc.

CAARC Members receive awards for volunteering during the last year.

CAARC Members receive awards for volunteering during the last year. Congratulations to the members who received Volunteer Service and Volunteer Service with Excellence awards.sam_8454

Congratulations to Doug VE6DJC on winning the GIZMO! We look forward to seeing what he adds to it for next year’s Christmas dinner!




Xmas DX Contest

New Award and Operation Alert                    

The Israel Amateur Radio Club (I.A.R.C) is proud to announce a new national award program entitled:   Holyland Christianity On The Air (HOCOTA).

This program will include amateur radio operations from numerous sites of major Christian significance. The sites were selected based on well documented research and archeological history as documented in the Holy Bible and other Christian works.  We believe that the connection of operating from these holy sites will not only appeal to Christian amateur radio operators but to amateurs of all faiths and beliefs.

The program accreditation will be built from ‘blocks’ of sub-awards derived from specific geographic locations. Activities will run throughout the year with special operations mainly during Christmas and Easter.

The HOCOTA Program will commence during Christmas 2016 (23-25 December) by Four special event multi operator stations. The current sub-program is called the ‘Jesus Miracles Award’.  Within this block of the HOCOTA Program we’ll start with some of the most significant miracles that Jesus Christ performed around the Sea of Galilee.

Therefore, the Christmas 2016 operation shall include:

  1. 4X9XMAS-Tabagha-
  2. 4X7XMAS- Kursi-,_Golan_Heights
  3. 4X3XMAS-Mount of Beatitudes –
  4. 4X2XMAS- Yardenit-

QSL information as well as program rules will be published separately.

Awards – Our goal is to enable automatic award opportunities and we are also considering the availability of an impressive, unique plaque.

4Z4DX                                                           4Z1RZ

Dov Gavish                                                 Zurial Rienstien

IARC Special Events Manager                             IARC President

Gallery Editing Unavailable while being repaired

The Gallery is experiencing a PHP problem after our hosting company updated their PHP CMS software.  (Nov 7 th) You can now view the Gallery by clicking the Gallery drop down menu but you cannot add or edit anything in your gallery. We are trying to resolve the problem.




Amateur Tower Protocols

A good one for the web. Its for Calgary but the laws are federal.


This message for our members in Calgary, Forwarded from Wally:

Hello all,

I was asked to help find some info on what exactly the rules for towers were within the City of Calgary. I finally tracked down the brochure from the City regarding towers and it is attached.

Bottom line is they do not have direct authority over towers but encourage some protocols be observed (kind of a good neighbour policy). There is a City phone number to call if needed as well.

Basically, towers that do not exceed 15m, and with associated antennas that do not exceed 18.75m, do not require any consultation but Amateurs are encouraged to follow the notification guidelines in the document.

There may be restrictive caveats in some neighbourhoods though, and those should be listed in the property documents.

This would be a great document to have available to all hams via their respective club websites. If anyone sees that there are other clubs that are not represented in this email please forward a copy to them or send me their contact info and I can pass it along.



73 de VE6LK/AI7LK




After the rain


Mushroom at VA6TJ









To have your Fungal Photo posted email it to VE6BLD



Letter or email of Thanks to Radio World Central

I won a couple of prizes at the 2016 CAARC picnic that were donated by Radio World. I will be in touch and thank them, but I see they have a page on their web site full of appreciation from various organizations. I think it would be appropriate for someone from the executive or the organizing committee to write an email of thanks. Come to think of it, I bet it has happened already.

John,  VA6SJA

2016 Raffle Winners

First prize, $500- Brad Kolody VA6BMK from Rocky Mtn House

Second prize, $200- Brian Davies VA6BD from Innisfail


Thank you everyone who purchased tickets to support the repeater system. See you next year!

Ham Radio – when all else fails

rural internet