I wish to nominate Garry Naylor VE6FGN for Alberta Director.  A Garry with two R’s, how can you go wrong?

Please see below:

Good day- Garry, VE6FGN here. I’m a Husband, father, and most importantly a grand father. I joined the Canadian Army in 1977 as a tank driver, was injured in the early 90’s and became an air traffic controller. One of my secondary duties was to handle emergencies on the Wing.
I became interested in Amateur Radio in 2004, when Alberta Amateurs assisted us at an airshow. I was extremely impressed with these volunteers, and decided that when I retired I would become involved.
In 2005 I was medically released and found work in the Cold Lake area. I joined the local club and earned my Basic with honours. I joined solely to volunteer for my community, however I was surprised to find I really enjoyed the hobby, and the people in our club. I’ve met a bunch of Amateurs in other clubs, learned a lot from them, and enjoyed their company.  I really enjoy supporting local events- from Marathons to kid’s runs to ATV rallies- all are great fun, and great training for ARES.
I’m currently serving as the ARES EC for Cold Lake, and am a past president of our club.
I’ll be honest here- I’m not really big on being the big cheese. A lot of what has happened in big organizations doesn’t impress me- and I think a lot of the problem is too many people want to be the big cheese.  If you choose me to represent Alberta Amateurs to RAC, I’ll do the best I can, but you’ll have to do your part. Let me know what you think is wrong, give me some options on how you want to see it done, and I’ll fight on your behalf.
I will identify one thing I want to see change- and that is how we all get along together. If you elect me, I intend on travelling and meeting as many of you as I can. My message will be simple- don’t take this too seriously: we’re amateurs, this is all about enjoying the hobby, and providing a public service when necessary (and getting out of the way when it’s not). I’ll encourage everyone to get on the air: ragchew, Dx, check in to Nets, foxhunt, whatever- thing is to do it, have fun, learn a lot, and enjoy each other’s company.
Cheers- Garry
Please see me at coffee or at the flea market to sign the nomination form. It has to be soon because it needs to be signed by Garry and mailed (no fax or email allowed) to RAC by Feb. 19, 2016. Thanks…Garry VE6CIA