Ok, so here is my story.

As per frequent requests to post something. I will post my station. Granted it isn’t the most sophisticated station out there, but it works for me.

The pictures you see are my hf/vhf station complete with a CB I had from the 70’s. CB, the cell phone system of the 70’s. I have three radios, Yeasu FT-5000 that I bought as a retirement gift. Yeasu FT-857 that I use primarily for VHF and an old Heathkit HW-101 I bought at a fathers day picnic and it works. I remember dreaming about building and owning that radio in the 70’s as I started to seriously pursue obtaining a licence.

Anyway I also included a picture of my test equipment and parts.

I had always wanted to go digital and as you can see my space is very limited. Then I thought why not just install a keyboard tray and laptop and so I did. Now you can see how I have digital set up. Using Airlink Express software and a SigaLink USB sound card feeding into the Yeasu FT 857 for digital. The SignaLink is sitting just below the FT-857.

I have three antennas. Cushcraft R6000, Diamond X-200 VHF/UHF and a 40m vertical that I can set up if I want to work 40m.

You may notice the antenna analyzer hooked you to the antennas. Before I transmit I always sweep the antenna to ensure nothing has changed. I also use it to tune the antenna as needed so I am not sending out a carrier to annoy anyone and stress out the transmitter finals.   

Finally Betty snuck up on me working a station or at least trying to, wasn’t successful that time. 

Anyway that is it.
