Images tagged "v01-43-00390-0-1v1-0-0"

  • #1 written by VE6CIA
    about 1 months ago

    Try sparkyham at gmail dot com

  • #2 written by VE6CIA
    about 1 months ago

    Check this out Dan.
    Sandy (my wife) has not received a membership applicatiion for you. You can send it to ve6snd at gmail dot com
    The form is under “site tools” here.

  • #3 written by VE6KDP
    about 1 months ago

    Hi Steve,
    Thanks for this. I have checked out what you mentioned. I am a member of RAC now. I notice your mention of the CAARC meetings. I sent a note to the address listed on this site and haven’t heard if I have been accepted as a member of the club. I do listen on the NET night (Monday) when I can and am currently in the process of looking for locals Hams whom I might communicate with and gain some experience with. I haven’t heard any other communications.
    Dan VE6KDP

  • #4 written by VA6SGL
    about 3 months ago

    Hi Dan,
    Congratulations on your gaining your certificate and welcome to the hobby. There are 25 callsign listed in the Olds area; you can search here:$.startup
    Central Alberta Amateur Radio Club (CAARC) meets on 3rd Wednesday of the month; next meeting in September.
    GPSCentral in Calgary is a local source for new equipment (
    There flea markets, typically spring & fall in Edmonton & Calgary.
    Please consider joining Radio Amateurs of Canada ( and support the work of our national organization.
    Steve VA6SGL

  • #5 written by VE6CPR
    about 5 months ago

    This is a link to Canadian Government FAQ’s regarding many of the above. these should have the information you folks are looking for.

  • #6 written by VE6CPR
    about 5 months ago
  • #7 written by Todd
    about 5 months ago

    Where do I send regestration forms

  • #8 written by Kurtis June
    about 5 months ago

    Hi, I live in Pennsylvania, U.S.A. My brother lives just outside of Rocky Mountain House, Alberta, Canada. I have a ham radio license, he doesn’t. i have been talking to him about getting one. Anyhow, I visited in 2018 and plan on coming back to visit sometime this summer. I hope to talk with some folks on the air when I come up.

    Kurtis June

  • #9 written by Doug VE6PR
    about 5 months ago

    This sounds excellent…Looking forward to Field Day.
    I Goggled Earth the proposed site and am very impressed.

  • #10 written by VA6DFR
    about 11 months ago

    Congratulations to the new executive. I wish you well over the 2023/2024 season.

  • #11 written by VE6ABO
    about 1 years ago

    I would like Bob King VE6BLD to contact me by e-mail. Somehow I might have lost his e-mail address.

  • #12 written by VE6ABO
    about 1 years ago

    Hi Bob:
    I tried sending you an e-mail, I’m not it is correct or went through. Please send me your e-mail address.
    I have some questions for you.
    Many Thanks

  • #13 written by VA6GMC
    about 1 years ago

    Cool shack Gerald. Lots going on there, I like the work bench and tools right there.
    Thanks for posting.

  • #14 written by John Rogers VE5JR
    about 1 years ago

    Recently moved to a Red Deer condo. No room for a ham station. I have a number of items I would like to contact a person I could hire to remove and sell them – or donate to “needy” people still in the hobby.


  • #15 written by Steve Holland
    about 1 years ago

    I’m moving to Bentley in February, and was wondering about how I get a new call sign. Thanks Steve

  • #16 written by Steve Holland
    about 1 years ago

    Looking to move to the area soon. Was wondering how to go about getting a new call sign. Thanks Steve VE3SHZ

  • #17 written by Jeff
    about 2 years ago

    Is on-site camping available?

  • #18 written by Jeff
    about 2 years ago

    Is on-site camping available at the hamfest picnic?

    Thanks, jeff ve6fio

  • #19 written by Curtis Bidulock
    about 2 years ago

    Can someone contact me regarding repeaters co-located @ Telus Heatburg & Big Valley. There are some changes coming for these 2 sites, and I need to discuss this with the club.

  • #20 written by VE6MM
    about 2 years ago

    Looks like fun. Will see you for the weekend!

  • #21 written by VE6BLD
    about 2 years ago

    I use a very strong VPN and for some reason it was blocking this link. Works OK when I turn off my VPN.

  • #22 written by VE6BLD
    about 2 years ago

    This url is not a link and copy and paste only takes you to a error page.

  • #23 written by VE6JHK
    about 2 years ago

    Good site for space weather, shows flares and Solar Mass Ejections, aurora, etc.

  • #24 written by VA6TNA
    about 2 years ago

    Paul has got to be one of the best story tellers of all time. I’ve spent time listening to many of them either in person or on the air. This was a well done podcast and I enjoyed it.

  • #25 written by VE6BLD
    about 2 years ago

    Hi Vince. Just click the register word under the log in and fill in your info.

  • #26 written by Vince Davies
    about 2 years ago

    Hello & to whom it may concern,

    Could I please register ? If so, could you please provide a login for me ?

    Looking forward to your reply

    Vince VA6JIL

  • #27 written by VE6CIA
    about 3 years ago

    Canadian online course

  • #28 written by VE6BLD
    about 3 years ago

    Hello Jack thanks for your interest. You can find the info you need on this web site.
    Click LINKS tab
    1. Study courses to obtain Ham Radio License
    Online Self Paced Ham Radio License Course

  • #29 written by Jack
    about 3 years ago


    I live in Carstairs and am interested in obtaining a Ham license.

    I found an online course training website called “”, but it appears to be US based. I cannot find something similar in Canada. I don’t know if what is learned in that course is applicable in Canada and I can then just challenge the exam(s), nor can I find any online searches for classes in Alberta, etc…

    I’m sure you could point me in the correct direction, so welcome you feedback.

    Thanks in advance.


  • #30 written by VE6BLD
    about 3 years ago

    Looks great Skip, will be nice to upgrade those old work horses!

  • #31 written by VE6CIA
    about 3 years ago

    It just said not available, private. Now it works great. Nicely done…

  • #32 written by VE6BLD
    about 3 years ago

    I don’t know what is going on with your computer!!
    I have looked at them on three different laptops and 2 phones without being logged in and they all play fine!

  • #33 written by VE6CIA
    about 3 years ago

    It just says video unavailable

  • #34 written by VE6CIA
    about 3 years ago

    What a hoot

  • #35 written by Eric
    about 3 years ago

    Sorry, should have said Norway! A bit red-faced now!

  • #36 written by Eric
    about 3 years ago

    Those Germans must be living in Sweden?

  • #37 written by VA6MPM
    about 3 years ago

    It should be noted that Garry’s very first SOTA contact after he called CQ was F4WBN from France. I would call that extraordinary beginner’s luck

  • #38 written by VA6JDW
    about 3 years ago


    Give me a shout JD and I can give them a test…

    I seem to have lost your number.

  • #39 written by VA6JDW
    about 3 years ago

    Thank you Gary. I will call later today.

  • #40 written by VE6CIA
    about 3 years ago

    Give me a shout JD and I can give them a test…

  • #41 written by VE6BLD
    about 3 years ago

    Hello. I am the admin of this site so I hope you don’t mind I made your picture smaller so it is easier to see. You could also add it to the wanted section of the swap and shop.

  • #42 written by Jerry Welch
    about 3 years ago

    Good for you.

  • #43 written by VA6SJA
    about 3 years ago

    It is harder to get together now for CW practice with keys and code practice oscillators. And the internet makes it easier to practice at random times, although making a “sked” can still be worthwhile.

    I thought that I would try my version of the “dongle”, a mouse on which I had grafted another tail 11 years ago. I have three leads of a cable wired to the right and left mouse button pads and ground, with the other end of the cable to a ¼” TRS jack. I could plug in my key or my Bencher Paddle. This has worked OK with CWCom.

    I tried it with my straight key on my HP Pavilion x60 portable computer using the Edge browser with a few tabs open and at least CWCom open at the same time. With my first try on the VBand practice channel there was distinct and variable delay with the sidetone. I found that confusing, for me the sidetone helps me keep track of where I am.

    From the website:
    “Latency Issues – On some systems, there can be a noticeable delay between pressing a key, and hearing the sound from the speaker. This delay is due to the press being sent over USB, the Javascript code processing the press in the browser, and the sound system buffering. If this delay is a problem, we recommend closing all other applications and browser tabs, and anything else that can reduce CPU load.”

    Then there was a ”Your computer will restart in inactive hours” flag that indicated that more work had to be done for a Windows Update. I have noticed before that when my computer is working on an update it becomes unbearably slow.

    After I restarted the computer enough times to complete the Windows Update and I opened the tab all by itself, with no other applications running, the sidetone was in sync with my keying. Although the VBand website recommends against pressing on mouse buttons, it seems that running a key through the mouse is fast enough.

    David W6DS told me in an email of February 22, “We are glad to hear that you understand one of the possible causes of VBand latency. That being the Windows Update feature. It causes issue for many users and not just VBand. The issue is that it consumes a lot of resource and the only way to clear it up is to let windows update and then perform a fresh restart.”

    He also stated, “Our main reason for recommending against a mouse is a user interface one. Our concern is that if your mouse drifts off of the VBand web site window you may wind up inadvertently clicking on things you didn’t want to. Our recommendation is to not leave Amazon running in the background with a lot of one-click buy options displayed while using mouse mode. ”

    So, make sure that your mouse does not move if you use it that way.

    Although my use of paddles is, at this point in time, worse than my straight keying I tried that with my mouse on VBand. I set the key to Iambic Mode A. The dits went just fine. I could not find the dahs from my paddles nor from my normal mouse. But the [ and ] keys did work like a clunky paddle. It seems that VBand is not set up to sense a right mouse button at this time.

    I then tried the mouse/paddle arrangement on CWCom and it worked fine with both the dit and dah paddles.

    In another email of February 22 David told me, “VBand uses the center mouse button for “dah” in mouse mode to avoid bringing up the context sensitive menu.”

    So, I will have to modify my mouse a little if I want to use my paddles on VBand. Maybe I will try to install a switch on the right-side lead.

    For Morse code letters that are well formed and properly separated are set up on a line, except on the channel where decoding is disabled. Each screen letter is delayed a little, so don’t do the variation of touch typing by looking at the screen to remember where you are. That will introduce a big inter-character delay in your keying. Listening to the sidetone should keep you aware of where you are.

    I am impressed with VBand using a straight key through my modified mouse.

    I’m not yet ready for prime time,

    John VA6SJA

  • #44 written by Paul Mower
    about 3 years ago

    Nice set-up, thanks for posting.

  • #45 written by VA6SJA
    about 3 years ago

    Thanks for the thumbs up.

    I definitely need the drills you mention. But I do find it more interesting to try to communicate with someone using Morse Code. And I haven’t managed a permanent outside HF antenna because of aesthetic considerations and other financial priorities. And I don’t have 2 meter multi-mode transceiver, or any 6 meters at all yet.

    The CWCom system allows 2 way practice, in an encouraging atmosphere, So, when I get on the radio, I hope to control my jitters and random key jabs. And you should hear the new letters that I make with my paddle! I know- drills!

    Thanks again,

  • #46 written by VE6BLD
    about 3 years ago

    Thanks for the great post. Very nice set up in your shack. You have a nice work area also, very organized.

  • #47 written by VA6SJA
    about 3 years ago

    Gerry has suggested that I add:
    ” Although CWCOM was originally written ( by an Australian Radio Ham ) for Windows 95, it still works on all versions of Windows since… AND it can also be made to work on LINUX and MAC machines too… ( see relevant pages on the morsepower blog ) ”

    and that “CWCOM does not need a licence to use it… it is FREE, no registration/password/login is required either…..
    Thanks for promoting it… let`s hope that it helps your guys to gain “key confidence” ..

    My note: The Australian Radio Ham who wrote the program CW Communicator was John Samin, VK1EME.

  • #48 written by VA6SJA
    about 3 years ago

    Or you can submit a comment for this posting. It will come to me.


  • #49 written by VE6JHK
    about 3 years ago

    Please add the NOAA Solar Weather link sometime for those who are interested.

  • #51 written by Gerald Welch
    about 3 years ago

    Very good article. Kinda shows what we are capable. Also nice to see what other persons are doing with the hobby.

  • #52 written by VE6BLD
    about 4 years ago

    Thanks for the post Jim…Bob

  • #53 written by VA6MPM
    about 4 years ago

    Thanks for your comments John. At our latitude, most Alberta SOTA guys use a small amplifier. Mine will boost my KX2 to 30 or 40 watts which makes things much easier. However I have done several activations without the amplifier. If I am on a multi-day hut trip, I don’t carry the amplifier due to the extra weight. I love my Elecraft KX2 but it is also the only HF radio I have ever owned or operated. I use it at home as a base station tied to a bigger amp. I am up to 32 countries so far in the past year on my simple station with a simple dipole antenna.

  • #54 written by VA6SGL
    about 4 years ago

    Thanks for brief insight about your adventures. Are you running an amplifier on your SOTA activations? How do you find the Elecraft KX2?

  • #55 written by VE6BLD
    about 4 years ago

    Thanks for this great post Paul!

  • #56 written by VE6MIM
    about 4 years ago

    At this time I feel it may be wise to have individuals participate if they want to. Do it on an individual basis.

  • #57 written by VE6CIA
    about 4 years ago

    The VE6QE system is also linkable to the SARA system. 638*on 639*off.
    Please disregard references to autopatch as the controller has a factory defect that prevents it from working.

  • #58 written by VE6CIA
    about 4 years ago

    Please disregard references to autopatch, as it is not functional. Factory defective.

  • #59 written by Gary
    about 4 years ago

    General Interest. This I posted in the HMCS Gloucester group on facebook. I was a member of the very first RCAF course to train at CFS Gloucester in 1966. Was a Radop (211), Telop (212), Commop (213) and Comm Research (291). Worked in Whitehorse before closed in 1967, Alert 1968. Worked VE8RCS from Alert and Made contact With VE8RCS from VE3SNL/A7 Gulf War Qatar. A wee bit of coincidence Qatar +40C, Alert -40C. Great experiences. Anyone want to hear from the ‘Spoiled Air Force Brats’ at Gloucester, I was one of them. Great to be a part of this group, thanks.

  • #60 written by VE6ATO
    about 5 years ago

    Testing comments.

  • #61 written by daffy
    about 6 years ago

    I am wanting to know from anybody what I have to study to obtain my basic licence. After my basic I need to know just what I need to study for the advanced and morse code. Where can I download the studies from, and where in the Edmonton or RedDeer area I have to go to do exams. I need help Bryon Roy

  • #62 written by VA6SGL
    about 6 years ago

    The schedule has been updated through into September 2018.

  • #63 written by zs735
    about 6 years ago

    Look forward to it; i got the 70w unit which is using IRF510Ns. Same challenges without a schematic. Will be taking photos and share with the group as well.

  • #64 written by VE6CIA
    about 7 years ago

    No it doesn’t.

  • #65 written by Jim R
    about 7 years ago

    Reprogramed my rig with new freq. for ve6uk, and congratulations are in order to the club and individuals responsible, is a good sounding machine, 100 % at my Qth. in Coronation AB

    JimR de VE6JRR

  • #66 written by VA6SGL
    about 8 years ago

    As noted at the September General Meeting, Sandy VE6SND has sent a letter of thanks to Radioworld Central for their support and donation for the Ham Picnic.
    Steve, VA6SGL (CAARC President)

  • #67 written by VE6BLD
    about 8 years ago

    Thanks Earl great article.

  • #68 written by VE6CIA
    about 8 years ago

    Eastern Rockies??? Where is that? haha

  • #69 written by VE6BLD
    about 9 years ago

    Great article Earl . Sometimes the pictures take a few minutes to show up in an article. Looks like they are fine now. Thanks for sharing your projects

  • #70 written by ve6xy
    about 9 years ago

    Anyone looking for ham radios I have a new condensed
    site with lots of mobiles, portables and antennas.

  • #71 written by VE6WCB
    about 9 years ago

    I have TEN of these tubes email if interested & it’s my CALL at

  • #72 written by VE6BLD
    about 10 years ago

    Suite 8, 711 – 48th avenue SE
    Calgary, Alberta

    (403) 239-1400

  • #73 written by Steve VE6VS
    about 10 years ago

    Do we have an address? I can’t seem to find any thing on their website.

    73 Steve VE5SR

  • #74 written by VE6BLD
    about 10 years ago

    Thanks for the great post Geoff, once again Ham Radio comes to the aid of the public.
    Bob VE6BLD

  • #75 written by Steve VE6VS
    about 11 years ago

    Also consider NBEMS, it has the capability to process ICS and ARRL Radiograms as forms. This system is in use with ARES/RACES and SATERN and was used during the recent storms in the US. It is a point to point either through repeaters or on HF and is stand alone.

  • #76 written by VE6BLD
    about 11 years ago

    Hi Ron…I see I have already approved you so go ahead and post to the swap and shop if you like

  • #77 written by VE6BLD
    about 11 years ago

    Hi Ron…
    As admin of this web page may I suggest you list these items you are looking for on the swap and shop. You will have to register as a user on the web site first, then after I approve you then you can list in wanted at the swap and shop,, much better spot to get peoples attention. Glad to hear you are in Edmonton. 73
    CAARC admin

  • #78 written by ve9rw
    about 11 years ago

    Just new here from New Brunswivk VE9RW/VE6SY/Ron Wilson: Retired in Edmonton;Need small items to start my shack,its been a while.Looking for swr meter,small 50ohm coax,ant. tuner,wire for dipole,straight key,pl259,bnc connectors,Power supply 7-20 amp.,2meter antenna(Larsen)other odds & ends….^^Greetings to all^^….Ron in Millwoods…Ps I have an old Hot Water 101 ready to go!!!!

  • #79 written by VA6TAC
    about 12 years ago

    I downloaded the firmware upgrade for my HF radio (FT-450D) and can access 5 channels now on 60m. They are :
    USB 001 = 5.33200 MHz
    USB 002 = 5.34800 MHz
    USB 003 = 5.35850 MHz
    USB 004 = 5.37300 MHz
    USB 005 = 5.40500 MHz

    Are these likely to be the same ones I.C. is proposing?
    From what I was reading, you will have to dial the VFO down 1.50 KHz for phone – as in these are the UPPER limits; and thus not the center of the channel.

    Am I understanding this right?
    Geoff VA6TAC

  • #80 written by VE6CIA
    about 13 years ago

    VE6EB was not Reginas’ call. That call belongs to Tom…

  • #81 written by Skip, VE6BGT
    about 13 years ago

    I got a award in the year 2000 and 2010….Skip,VE6BGT

  • #82 written by VE6BLD
    about 13 years ago

    VE6BGT in 2010

  • #83 written by VE6BLD
    about 13 years ago

    VE6MIM won in 2006

  • #84 written by VE6BLD
    about 13 years ago

    I received the award in 2002 and 2007.

  • #85 written by Gary
    about 13 years ago

    This new site is teriffic Bob. Great job to you and your Son!

  • #86 written by VE6BAZ
    about 14 years ago

    for sale kenwood tr7950 good condition

  • #87 written by VE6CIA
    about 14 years ago

    That link must have moved on as it is a dead link already see the info here…Garry

    Arecibo on 432 MHz Moon Bounce

    The Arecibo Observatory Amateur Radio Club will be putting the 1000-foot radio telescope on the air for 432 MHz EME from April 16-18. It can be heard with a small hand-held yagi pointed at the moon.

    The scheduled times of operation are:

    April 16: 1645 – 1930 UTC
    April 17: 1740 – 2020 UTC
    April 18: 1840 – 2125 UTC
    Callsign: KP4AO

    Tx Frequency: 432.045 MHz

    Rx Frequency: 432.050 to 432.060+

    Tx power: 400 W

    Antenna gain: 60 dBi

    System noise temp: 120 K (cold sky)

    System noise temp: 330 K (when pointed at moon)

    KP4AO can be heard with a small hand-held yagi pointed at the moon and a good receiver. A 15 dBi antenna and 100 W will be enough to work us on CW.

    Operators at KP4AO will do their best to work as many stations as possible. Each session will start with a brief announcement and CQ in SSB. SSB QSOs may continue for 30 minutes to an hour, if the QSO rate remains high.

    The mode will be shifted to CW as soon as it is judged that higher QSO rates would result.

    We will listen for calls at frequencies 5-15 kHz higher than our own, and even higher if QRM warrants. Callers who s-p-r-e-a-d o-u-t are more likely to be copied.

    If you’ve already worked us in any mode, please do not call again — give others a chance.

    If we call “CQ QRP”, we will listen for stations running 100 W or less to a single yagi. Please do not answer such a CQ if you are running more power or have a larger antenna.

    On April 18, if we reach a condition where most calling stations have been worked, and we judge that operating in the digital mode JT65B would produce a higher QSO rate, we will switch to JT65B.

    Note that any of these planned operating strategies may be changed as circumstances dictate.

    We are extremely fortunate to have been granted access to the world’s largest radio telescope for this amateur radio good-will event. We look forward to working as many stations as possible in the alloted time.

    Here is a EME event you cant miss. Dust off your CW key, its time for Satellite, QRP EME.

    The 1,000 foot dish has 60 dBi on 432 mc and 400 watts. That comes out to be approximately 243,902,443 Million Watts ERP.

  • #88 written by site test 2
    about 14 years ago

    Hi Greg well I'm encouraging everyone to order their own so I don't have to worry about collecting, distributing etc etc.
    Thanks Bob

  • #89 written by VA6GMC
    about 14 years ago

    Great video, capture the crowd and wow'd us looking for more!!Sequel?

    And on a business note, are you taking group orders? I can order and wait…or have it rush delivered:)
    Someone said Hams were 'tight' and I wouldn't want to go against the grain…

  • #90 written by va6sjt
    about 15 years ago

    I feel sad that we lost Don and my sympathy to Norma and the family as well. It was at the BBQ at John's two days before he had the stroke and he wasn't doing too bad that day I thought. I'm glad that I had a visit with him that day. When my mother had her stroke five years ago last April she seemed fine up to that point. I just wanted to offer my condolences and was proud to call him as a friend (and Norma as a friend too!)

  • #91 written by VA6GMC
    about 15 years ago

    Steve, you made it to Red Deer? Then "Welcome".
    Hope all is going well for you. I did forget that we had discussed antenna splitting a while back, and so I am getting in touch with you a little later than maybe I let on that I would.
    Please feel free to call me and we could discuss the finer points of splitting antenna leads and such. I do work out of town on a 10/4 schedule, being the next planned days at home are March 13, 14, 15, 16.

  • #92 written by KC5CHM
    about 15 years ago

    I am a new person on your web site as of this evening. Thanks .. I have a question … can/has anyone been able to setup IRLP using service. I am located in Ajo, AZ USA near the Mexican Border and have Hughes for my provider. Thanks in advance … Harley KC5CHM

  • #93 written by VE6AEW
    about 16 years ago


    This is something that I have practiced with in the past and had good results between the SARA hub in Edmonton and a simplex Echolink node to link us into Lloydminster. However when I tried it on the Canwarn activation between VE6VHF and the SARA Hub in Edmonton, the short kerchunk from the SARA hubs would keep the crossband repeat in a back and forth cycle without an opportunity for anyone to jump in. That evening I had good conditions to VHF and PZ so I wanted to try it from here first. It could just be my FT8100 for some reason. It almost seemed like the very short kerchunk from the SARA backbone did not occur until a msec after the conversation dropped. Any thoughts? I have to spend more time experimenting to see what works and what doesn't. I always felt that this would easily and should work as a way of providing a temporary link from a non-SARA repeater into the system.

  • #94 written by VE6CIA
    about 16 years ago

    A temporary link between VE6QE and SARA could easily be put up for an event like CANWARN by any cross band radio. Use the VHF side of VE6QE and the UHF side of SARA as there is no squelch tail on the SARA UHF of 443.575

  • #95 written by VE6BLD
    about 16 years ago

    Hi Judy I will send you a Private Message…I didn't see your comment sorry abt that.

  • #96 written by va6twa
    about 17 years ago

    I have logged onto the site but can not access ve6cia's photos. How can this be corrected?

  • #97 written by VE6BLD
    about 17 years ago

    Wow..great pictures Brian…How can anyone drive into one of those hudge towers??? Even if he was watching something else!!!
    Thanks for the great news item.

  • #98 written by VE6BGT
    about 17 years ago

    There is a 6 meter net on Sunday nights I believe, around 8:30PM or later, not sure about the time…Out of Edmonton I believe..Hang in there, I am building a new 6 meter beam and we can work each other on that band….Skip, VE6BGT..

  • #99 written by VE6WTF
    about 17 years ago

    Great work!, Wish I was fortunate enough to get on 2m SSB,
    the highest I can go is 6m all mode…
    wish we had some more 6m nets, as the band isnt used very much..
    great article by the way.

  • #100 written by VE6BLD
    about 17 years ago

    Hello Curtis…I listened on 144.200 at 10 this morning but was only able to faintly hear Al VE6AN..I only have 50 watts to a satellite array so he never heard me…I will try to get in on the action locally here tonight at 8:00 and also beam north at 8:30 for your group..73 Bob

  • #101 written by VE6AEW
    about 17 years ago

    Just an FYI, there are a number out of Edmonton that are active on 2m SSB however they meet @ 8:30pm on Sunday's on 144.220 as we have our 2m ARES net @ 8:00pm on the VE6UV repeater. It would be awesome if everyone stuck around till 8:30 and switched up to 144.220 and gave a call out for those in Edmonton and maybe we can make some additional contacts from the south.

  • #102 written by VE6BGT
    about 17 years ago

    We all got together again last night (19th) and I had another good contact with VE6UF again with good results…There was a bunch of on 144.200 again, lots of fun….Skip

  • #103 written by VE6BLD
    about 17 years ago

    Thanks for the article Skip,,just a quick note to let anyone who wants to hear your .wav file they will have to ask you to e-mail it to them as we do not allow any executable files on the web pages as an attacker may upload a file of this type which could includes malicious javascript. Congratulations on the long distance contact.

  • #104 written by VE6BLD
    about 17 years ago

    Easy way to see the local weather..

Comments are closed.