Edmonton Area Fox Hunting League
We’re meeting with the Calgary Hunters in Red Deer to talk fox hunting and do some fun hunts.
It is also on the CARA website (where the rest of the info below is from).
May Day 2022 sees fox hunters from Calgary and Edmonton rendezvousing at the Tim Hortons in Red Deer, AB 4217 – 50 Avenue.  This will be an event where the Edmonton Area Fox Hunting League meet with fox hunters from the Calgary Amateur Radio Association for a joint sharing of experience and equipment knowledge.  Real fox hunting practice will be a big part of the day, both on foot and in vehicles.


8:00 AM Breakfast and depart Calgary/Edmonton.

10:00 AM Meet and Greet at Tim Hortons, 4217 – 50 Avenue, Red Deer.  Review of equipment for both foot and vehicle searches.  Then head across the street for on-foot practice in Rotary Park.

1:00 PM Lunch at Tims (your own treat) or bring your own.

2:00 PM  Organize and head out for vehicle based fox hunting.

5:00 PM Regather at Tim’s, or other place, for dinner before the journey home.


Edmonton Area Fox Hunting League