Hello everyone. We have lost one of our net controllers for the Monday night net, we are down to three. I am asking for anyone to please volunteer to help to be a net controller. If we get some new people it will not be a very big commitment for anyone. Running the Monday night net is very easy and it gives you great experience in case we have need for a net in an emergency. It is also a great way to meet local Hams and to help remember their names! We have a spread sheet you can use that will automatically fill in their name and location when you type their call in as they check in. To volunteer please send me an e-mail at 

sparkyham(at)gmail(dot)com to volunteer for the net.

You can also just let me know by voice when you hear me on the QE repeater!

Thank you to the net controllers who run the net every Monday night.



CAARC Net Controller admin