CAARC Participation in 2020 ARRL Field Day

Available to Class C Mobile Stations

You may participate in any or none of the following activities:

100% Emergency Power: 100 points per transmitter classification (as stated in your Field Day Exchange) if all contacts are made only using power source completely independent from commercial mains for all transceivers and any computers creating signals to be transmitted. Using your vehicle engine, alternator and battery makes this an automatic claim.

Media Publicity: 100 bonus points may be earned for attempting to obtain publicity from the local media. Documentation is required.

Message Origination to Section Manager: 100 bonus points for origination of a formal message to the ARRL RAC Section Manager or Section Emergency Coordinator by your group from its site.

Message Handling: 10 points for each formal message originated, relayed or received and delivered during the Field Day period, up to a maximum of 100 points (ten messages).

W1AW Bulletin: 100 bonus points for copying the special Field Day bulletin transmitted by W1AW (or K6KPH) during its operating schedule during the Field Day weekend.

Site Visitation by an elected governmental official: One (1) 100-point bonus may be claimed if your Field Day site is visited by an elected government official as the result of an invitation issued by your group.

Site Visitation by a representative of an agency: One (1) 100-point bonus may be claimed if your Field Day site is visited by a representative of an agency served by ARES in your local as the result of an invitation

Web submission: A 50-point bonus may be claimed by a group submitting their Field Day entry via the web site.

Field Day Youth Participation: A 20-point bonus (maximum of 100) may be for each participant age 18 or younger at your Field Day operation that completes at least one QSO. 

Coming soon (after a few more Bonuses posts) Submitting Your Entry

Background, official rules, and many hints can be found at .

ARRL’s official Field Day site is .

Comments or questions to Paul VA6MPM (find his email on, or John VA6SJA, .

John VA6SJA and Paul VA6MPM