On a posting on February 23 I had asked anyone interested int CAARC’s participation in ARRL Field Day 2020 to come to the March meeting of the Central Alberta Radio Club to establish an organization.

Because of all the commotion about the COVID-19 virus and because I am part of the vulnerable population, I will not be going to the club meeting.

If the club wishes to proceed with participation in Field Day, providing that it seems wise at that time, I am willing to provide advice and support to the extent that I have time. I do think however, that it is time for a new set of “doers”, including the chairman, etc.

If you can’t go to the meeting and wish to indicate support, I will collect your comments and advice to send to a member of the club executive. It would be best that I compile these comments before the meeting tomorrow evening.

Please you send me any of your thoughts by noon MDT tomorrow, March 18 AT va6sja@rac.ca ..