Guest Operation in Brazil during FIFA 2014 World Cup


The Brazilian Amateur Radio League – LABRE – has filed a request and obtained special permission from ANATEL, the Brazilian Telecommunication authority for foreign amateurs wishing to operate during the FIFA World Cup.

Radio amateur operators who visit Brazil for the 2014 FIFA World Cup will be able to be on air without bureaucracy. During June and July, any foreign amateur will be able to operate in Brazil regardless of the existence of reciprocity agreement between countries. No IARP or CEPT license are necessary and no fees are required.

Amateurs who wish to operate in Brazil must send to LABRE the following documents
– Copy of a valid passport (identification pages)
– Copy of amateur radio license of his/her country
– List of cities in which he/she intends to operate and the respective periods
– Email address for contact

The documents must be scanned and sent to

For further information, contact George Gorsline, VE3YV RAC International Affairs Officer.