[html] Subject: [RAC-Bulletin] RAC Bulletin #2008-13: Erroneous E-mail Sparks Petition – RAC Confirms IC’s Responsibilities
On 18 May 2008, a petition began circulating on the Internet that quotes an unsigned e-mail from the Toronto District Office of Industry Canada (IC)
stating that Industry Canada is no longer the  regulatory body overseeing the amateur radio service, and that amateur radio is self-policing.
Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) contacted IC on 20 May, the first working day after the petition began. IC have confirmed that its contents are incorrect.
IC clearly affirmed they are the regulatory authority for Amateur Radio in Canada. The originator of the petition, Eddie Pereira VA3EDP, has since received a message from the acting Director of IC’s Toronto District Office confirming that the original unsigned e-mail was sent in error. Eddie will be meeting an IC official in the near future to discuss a spectrum
management issue that was the cause of his initial inquiry with IC.
RAC asks all Canadian Amateurs to contact RAC first if they have specific concerns about IC’s willingness or ability to supervise the Amateur Radio Service. RAC is here to serve the interests of all Canadian Amateurs and we will do our best to ensure IC listens to our concerns.

Sent by: Dave VO1AU/VE3AAQ
President, Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC)
Pr©sident, Radio Amateurs du Canada (RAC)
RAC’s Annual General Meeting will be held in conjunction with the Winnipeg
Hamfest 8-10 August 2008
L’Assemblé annuelle de RAC prendra lieu au Hamfest de Winnipeg les 8  10 ao»t
see/voir: http://www.mts.net/~warc/hamfest/
